The Wisdom Series

Moving posters

i. full animationII. stories

The Challenge

The challenge is to present biblical stories in a modern, enticing, and interesting manner. The project aims to retain the timeless wisdom of the books of Proverbs, Job, and Ecclesiastes, while making the content easily understandable for those unfamiliar with these texts.

The Outcome

The project seeks to modernize Christian design by utilizing content from the books of Proverbs, Job, and Ecclesiastes, and employing contemporary visual techniques to tell their stories. To achieve this, three moving posters have been created to convey biblical wisdom in an engaging and comprehensible manner.

moving posters

The Wisdom Series is a set of three moving posters inspired by the books of wisdom found in the Bible, including Proverbs, Job, and Ecclesiastes.

VISUAL elements

The concept was to create a personification of the key characters found in these books and depict them from a modern perspective. Through experimentation with visual elements, the project aimed to highlight significant parts of the stories and convey the concept of wisdom in their own respective posters. This project delves into the interconnected teachings of wisdom to gather the full scope of wisdom from God. The goal was to explore a new way of presenting the stories through minimal and unique moving posters.

book of ecclesiastes

The book of Ecclesiastes, a biblical text, is characterized by its contemplative and somewhat melancholic themes.
It uses the Hebrew term “Hevel,” meaning smoke or vapor, to symbolize the fleeting nature of life. The book emphasizes
the inevitability of mortality, urging readers to relinquish control and instead focus on the events currently unfolding
in their lives.

book of proverbs

The book of Proverbs is a compilation of wise guidance, often referred to as ‘chokma’. It represents life in terms of cause and effect, emphasizing that our actions have consequences. The book personifies wisdom as a woman, known as ‘Lady Wisdom’. This embodiment of wisdom is accessible to everyone, providing valuable insights to help individuals lead a fulfilling life.

book of job

The Book of Job in the Bible offers a deep examination of faith under trial. It is highlighted by a moment when God reveals the vastness of the universe to Job. The narrative tests Job’s faith as he loses his wealth, family, and everything he possesses, posing the question of whether Job will remain faithful amidst extreme adversity.